Antique row

The Museum of Innocence is — surprise! — in the middle of an antique district. Çukur Cuma Caddesi ascends  the hill, curls around into Faik Pasha Caddesi, which runs into another narrow street in the middle of a hairpin turn.

0 Beyoglu antique row map

How the neighbourhood looked in a 1927 fire insurance map; Çukur Cuma Caddesi is to the right of “(1078):”

0 Beyoglu fire map lo

Map of Agha Hamam/Tchoukour-Djouma (Cukurcuma) neighbourhood. “Vakif (Foundations) Apartment building (3rd Vakif han), 1911-13” on Museum of Architecture website. “From Istanbul in the Insurance Maps of Jacques Pervititch. Photo by Erdal Aksoy.”

Pastures of plenty …

0743 antik art0744 wood 0748 wood

0746 wood0747 same0745 door 0749 glass door0750 shop

0752 tree0751 walk

0753 Cucu 0754 hollow0755 shop0756 antique shop window

0757 shop 0758 Paula

0759 Faik Pasa0761 Hayriye Cd

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