
Two nights here, Meldi hotel, from TripAdvisor — nice little balcony looking over the garden and across the bay.

0540 view

Pool and spacious deck, including bar and dining area.

0539 babe

Rate not much more than $100 a night included breakfast, with made to order eggs — a whole bevy of waiters. Good deal.

Built on a steep hillside, Kalkan is host to a British tourist colony.

0544 cactus 0543 street

Single woman from the Liverpool area told us she comes here by direct flight several times a year. Said the boss was here, so all the staff are on best behaviour. Had dinner here the first night — so-so. Asked our British friend to recommend a restaurant and she said A___

Went there, nice rooftop setting, friendly.  Paula loved her mésé (spelling?) and I my seafood pasta — (but alas got quite sick in the night — a bad mussel? —  skyrocketing temperature, the sweats, the chills, nausea … it passed by morning).

Nice place — a ton of restaurants. Spotted Russian alphabet on real estate display. A day of R & R. No museums. No ruins. The Lycean Trail runs through.

On the way south we stopped at a tiny beach down from the highway:

0546 beach rev 0545 beach

Then a lot of narrow winding roads across Turkey’s southwestern corner, from the Aegean to the Mediterranean.

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